The rules are simple.
Make a 12 ½” quilt block using bright colored fabrics.
You may pick any pattern. Be creative!
Print your name on a piece of paper and pin it to the back of each block.
Bring your finished block(s) to the November or December PQG monthly meeting.
The blocks will be displayed at the December Christmas party and members will vote on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. After the contest, the blocks will be given to the charity team and made into quilts to be donated to the Wichita Children’s home. You may enter as many blocks as you can sew.
November 3: Daylight Savings ends (Fall back)
November 5: Election Day
November 11: Veterans Day
November 12: Prairie Quilt Guild Meeting—Beverly Krasselt
November 28: Thanksgiving
Make sure to bring $$ to sign up for workshops, retreats, bus trips, and fun things our speaker might have to offer. Plus, you never know what might pop up at the Charity Quilt table for a donation!